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Karl Simmons, Ph.D.

Principal Executive Coach

Karl Simmons is the founder of Clarity+Momentum Coaching, focused on helping executives build on their strengths to become the leaders they want to be. 


He brings a unique perspective derived from combining leadership roles held in global consulting firms advising Fortune 500 companies with years of teaching and researching at top-tier universities.


As a coach, collaborator, and builder, he guides individuals and teams to identify and achieve career-advancing goals. With a proven record of growing leaders and scaling teams and organizations, Karl has experience coaching individual leaders as well as leading large programmatic organizational interventions. 


His domains of applied and academic expertise include leadership, team dynamics, and organizational change.


Karl coaches tech-oriented leaders to develop the emotional and interpersonal intelligence necessary to inspire and influence their teams effectively. All leaders have things they do well and things they need to work on – by using areas of strength as a foundation, every leader can find ways to be more effective.

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